Trauma is a Bitch
Anxiety is a bitch. It’s not chic or trendy or something that someone just magically has. I should know. I have anxiety associated with PTSD and Trauma. It has shaped who I am and how my life has changed because of it. It all started in 1982 when I had a trauma event from the […]
Witnessing War & Your Mental Health
These past couple of years have been a bit different to say the least. Now on top of coming out of a pandemic, we are witnessing a war — watching, listening, and seeing the horrific things going on in the Ukraine can have a negative impact on your mental health. First, let’s take a look […]
New Podcast Episode – It’s a Meditation!!
Enjoy .
Anxiety and Neurofeeback
Today we talk to one of my dear friends, Tom Fink, PhD. We talk about anxiety, how it ties into other things, and Neurofeedback. He also talks about his invention MindReflector. You can find MindReflector at Healthcare workers and First Responders, listen at the end for a special deal JUST FOR YOU! About Tom […]
Being a Caregiver with a Dementia Patient
Today we talked to my friend Lindsey. Lindsay is a psych nurse who has taken time away from working to care for her mother. Her mother has early to middle stage dementia. We talk about anxiety with and someone that has dementia and the importance of making yourself first as a caregiver. Taking care of […]
Episode one of my Podcast!
In this episode, we talk about me and my background. We also go for different things that we are going to be talking about in the next few weeks. I'm hoping to have guests soon lined up too! Episode 1
There’s a podcast coming!
Holy Cow! I made a podcast! It's call Mental Health Toolbox and it will be on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and I think Google. Check it out!
Gut Anxiety
This is a little personal. When I was going through my divorce in 1997, my ex husband used to stalk me. It was pretty bad. But because of it, I would have horrible morning anxiety. It was so bad I had diarrhea with it. Now we're not talking about your every day diarrhea, we are […]
Creating a Toolbox
Since I've had anxiety and trauma for pretty much the majority of my adult life, I created a toolbox for myself. Let me explain. When I first got diagnosed my doctor immediately put me on anti depressants and Ativan. I was on these for well over 20+ years. One day I decided I didn't want […]


Cindy Beers


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