My Journey with Lipedema

One thing I hate is talking about myself. My goals and passions in life has been to help others be the person they want to be. So talking about this journey is a a bit of a challenge for me but needed. I know others are going through it too and the more we talk about it, the wider the awareness; especially in the medical world.

I've been lucky just getting a diagnosis. As I've said before my vascular doctor, Emilia Bittenbinder has been the best. I love her.

So yesterday, I met with a surgeon. Not just any surgeon, a plastic surgeon who specializes in lipdema. Boris Volsheyn, MD is remarkable. After seeing three other plastic surgeons, being shamed, gaslit, and more, he treated me with the utmost respect. His approach was individualistic and not cookie-cutter like I've been advised before. When I got his notes, it was 19 pages long with research and scholarly references. Never have I seen that before. So I had to put together a packet for the insurance company. In it were his notes, my referral from the vascular doctor, my personal statement, receipts, and a list of all my vitamins and supplements. I think I gave them everything possible.

Now everything goes to the insurance company. So stressed and hopeful. Things going through my head: What if the insurance doesn't cover it? What do I do? If I do get it approved, this will be an entire year of work for me; six surgeries. SIX! Lots more compression wear. Lots of driving. Lots of out of pocket expenses for driving to and from New Jersey.

All this and the holidays. Sigh...


Cindy Beers


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