Finding Your Peace in this Crazy World

Folks, we are in uncharted waters. Here in America, we have a new person in office. There's chaos everywhere and things are changing. I'm sure by now you're wondering how you can keep your inner peace and sanity.

Well, to be honest, I'm trying to figure things out for myself too. What I can tell you is what I've done so far which has been pretty successful.

First and foremost, get rid of some apps on your phone: Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, CNN, etc. Get rid of all of them. If you don't want to, then do some housecleaning and get rid of the things that are somewhat triggering and only look at them once a day and limit the time you're looking at them. Second, limit what you see as far as news and politics on the computer and tv. Focus on what you like; what makes you happy. Third, find something to do that used to take your time scrolling. I was a big morning scroller when I got up. I would scroll while drinking my tea. Not a healthy way to start the day. Instead, now I turn on my favorite meditation music and read a book. Reading lighthearted authors like Emily Henry and Abby Jimenez has been great. I do try to stay away from murder mysteries and crime. For me, that's a trigger; so I stay away from them. Create your own new habits. Remember, it takes 21 days to create a habit. Start now.

Now more than ever, it's important for all of us to keep our wits about us. Focus on your mental health and physical health. If you're not a big gym person (which I'm definitely not a gym girl), go for a walk, work in your garden, and get plants for indoors. Socialize with people who make you feel good in their presence; people who cheer you and will stand with you. Take up painting. While I can't draw a straight line, I can do a mean paint by numbers. Baking and cooking are always fun too. Maybe there are cooking classes around where you live. Learn how to meditate if that is something you want to learn. There are many free guided meditations on YouTube and InsightTimer. My dear teacher Bhante Sujatha has plenty out there.

Bottom line, this is a time to take care of you. Your mental health is key.


Cindy Beers


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