Anxiety is a bitch. It’s not chic or trendy or something that someone just magically has. I should know. I have anxiety associated with PTSD and Trauma. It has shaped who I am and how my life has changed because of it. It all started in 1982 when I had a trauma event from the […]
Witnessing War & Your Mental Health
These past couple of years have been a bit different to say the least. Now on top of coming out of a pandemic, we are witnessing a war — watching, listening, and seeing the horrific things going on in the Ukraine can have a negative impact on your mental health. First, let’s take a look […]
Creating a Toolbox
Since I’ve had anxiety and trauma for pretty much the majority of my adult life, I created a toolbox for myself. Let me explain. When I first got diagnosed my doctor immediately put me on anti depressants and Ativan. I was on these for well over 20+ years. One day I decided I didn’t want […]
Living with PTSD
I live with PTSD. It’s not something I really talk about very often. In fact, I’ve hid it for years. My husband and my therapist didn’t even know; until two years ago. I was taking a class on Military Sexual Trauma and I started have nightmares and night terrors. You see, I had a sexual […]
Anxiety is a Bitch
I’ve lived with anxiety and PTSD since 1982. I’ve worked extremely hard on getting in control. And I did! Between yoga and a great psychologist, I had it all under control. But two things happened to me in 2020 which threw me into a loop. The first was menopause. Ladies, if you haven’t gone through […]